Rosemarie Gatzek, Director (click here to email)
Youth Services:
Carolyn, Lois, Linda, Christina
Reference Services:
Keshet, Lydia, Tom
Support Staff:
Patty, Ciara, Mark, Pat, Jennifer, Judy, Daniel, Ursula
When we are open, call (914) 591-7840 to reach staff.
Board of Trustees
Laura Lilienfield, President (click here to e-mail)
Dominique Picon, Vice President
Heather Thomas, Treasurer
Anne Goldfield, Sarah Kelsey, Pierrette Pillone
Sarah Harris Weiss, President of the Friends of the Irvington Library, ex officio
Mitchell Bard, Member of the Village Board of Trustees, Library Liaison, ex officio
Rosemarie Gatzek, Library Director, ex officio
Board Meetings are open to the public and are generally scheduled for the second Monday of each month. They are listed on the Library’s event calendar. To view the minutes of past meetings, click here.